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How to Maximize Health Insurance for Employees


For an employee who works in a company, there may be Health Insurance facilities available. Having health insurance facilities for employees will certainly be very beneficial for you. Because with this health insurance you can get protection or protection when you are sick and have to be treated at FASKES like a hospital.

Although many employees are aware of the existence of health insurance facilities from the company, unfortunately not a few of them can take full advantage of it. Well, here are some ways that you can apply to be able to maximize health insurance for employees at the company. Here's the explanation.

Find out the type of insurance used and the list of benefits

The first way to maximize health insurance for employees is to find out which insurance is used and its benefits. You as an employee have the right and need to know the type of insurance used and the list of benefits. Because this health insurance you get from a salary deduction that is directly carried out by the company.

The health insurance obtained by these employees themselves can be in the form of BPJS Health or private insurance or both. Among existing health insurance can indeed have different benefits. From here you have to find out the details of the insurance taken by the company so that you can find out what benefits you can get from the insurance to the fullest.

Take advantage of the Program for Using 2 Insurance Services at Once

For those of you who get two health insurance facilities at once, namely BPJS and private insurance, you also need to take advantage of it optimally. Actually, since 2014, employees have been able to enjoy the COB Coordination of Benefits program where two insurance services can be obtained at the same time when receiving treatment.

Of course, with these two insurances, you can feel double benefits when maximized. To maximize the two insurances, of course, you need to know the ins and outs. Just make sure when you get sick and seek treatment to use both of these insurances, whether it's for treatment or the cost of care.

Understand the Applicable Claim Procedure Before Using It

To use this insurance, of course, you need to understand the claim procedures that apply. You really can't come to the hospital at will and then ask for cover from insurance. In some cases, such as an emergency, you can immediately make an insurance claim. But in certain medical conditions, you can't just make an insurance claim. For this reason, knowing and understanding the claim procedure from insurance obtained is important to do.

Consider the location of the hospital and the completeness of its facilities

Finally, the way to maximize health insurance for employees that you need to do is to consider the location and completeness of the facilities from the hospital. If the insurance you have has cooperation with many FASKES or hospitals, then you need to maximize it by choosing the best place for care and treatment. We can see the best FASKES (Health Facilities) to choose from, of course, we can review the completeness of the facilities, services, and the location closest to where we live.

Lorong Teori
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